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User input

Data fields may be specified that need to be entered to continue processing.

Functional overview​

This activity pauses the workflow and creates an input page for user-interaction. Multiple fields may be configured. The input can be accessed on a dedicated webpage accessible at http://[host:port]/eq/[task-id]. If multiple outgoing edges are defined on a decision immediately following this activity, the user may choose which continuation to take by clicking on a corresponding button.

A timeout forces the workflow to continue if no user interaction happend within a certain timespan.


  • Specified output variables: A set of variables that the user may enter in order to proceed.
  • Timeout: Set a timeout until the result should be entered. If no timeout is set the system waits indefinetely.
  • Outgoing edges of a following decision: Define the available buttons the user can click. If only one outgoing edge is available one button next is shown to proceed.


Output variables can be defined by name that are shown as a field in the input form. The description is used as a caption for the field. If a particular variable is already present and was set in an earlier step of the workflow the value is shown as a preset in the input control.

Supported types

TextRegular text
IntegerNumber without fraction
NumberDouble precision number
Dateformat yyyy-mm-dd
Timeformat hh:mm:ss
Date Timeyyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

The date and time is currently stored as-is. In a future release the browser timezone will be taken into account since all internal processing is using coordinated universal time (UTC).


When a timeout was set and the due time is reached the workflow automatically follows the path with timeout without further user interaction.

Endpoint URL​

The exclusive endpoint url with the host/task-id combination is available for selection in connected steps prior to the user input so they can be published to participants as links in notifications or e-mails.

Decision node​

A decision node is usually needed to at least distinguish between the timeout and next action.

If a decision node is connected to this component, the outgoing edges are interpreted as user selectable options in how to proceed as the next step.


The design is currently limited to favor simplicity over complexity. The landing page is optimized to allow input on mobile browsers as well as desktops. Upcoming versions will extend the functionality, e.g. configure mandatory fields and field validators.

Constraints and formatting​

Input constraints and special field formats are not supported yet but are planned within the next update.


When a user input node is reached, Cocosplate AI creates a website with the required input fields under http://[hostname]/eq/[task uuid]. It can be opened with any standard browser and values may be filled in that are available in the next steps. This is useful in conjunction with sending messages to your audience that requires feedback - you can access the task uuid from the variables in the context.

The link will not have a password protected by default, anyone knowing the task uuid is able to enter data for a particular workflow instance.

Please also check the security best practices when using this feature.


Multiple browser windows may open up the same input request landing page. The first request that
continues the processing will be saved. All submissions that arrive later will create an error message. If the timeout occurs while the user has opened the landing page the timeout processing will be initiated and the user may not submit the data successfully.